The Conversation Women Should Be Having -

The Conversation Women Should Be Having

Women's health is a conversation that has been avoided as a society for years, particularly when it comes to older women and menopause. So many women don't know their own bodies and don't know how to deal with the changes that come because of this. Chokey Tsering takes on some myths relating to menopause to help you awaken your best years of your life.
The Conversation Women Should Be Having -

The Conversation Women Should Be Having

There's a lot of conversations about women's bodies that we feel we aren't "allowed" to have -- Menopause and perimenopause is one of them. However, fear no more. With Maureen Britnell we're going to discuss not just how to survive "the change" but thrive in it!
Avoiding Injury & Gaining Strength With Age -

Avoiding Injury & Gaining Strength With Age

The workout wisdom that comes with age will be as useful as a full tank of gas in a car with a flat tire if we lack the physical ability to benefit from its application. According to a study from the American Journal of Sports Medicine, the largest increase in the incidence of gym related injuries occurred among those aged 45 years and older, with the 55 plus crowd being more likely than their younger counterparts to sustain injuries from overexertion and lifting or pulling.