The Ideal Post-Gym Evening Routine for Optimal Recovery -

The Ideal Post-Gym Evening Routine for Optimal Recovery

Make sure that you recover properly from your intense workouts with these post workout routine tips.
The Real Supersets are Easier Than You Think! -

The Real Supersets are Easier Than You Think!

Have you been doing Supersets wrong? If the answer is yes, don’t worry you’re not the only person who has. Tim Rigby describes the difference between Supersets and Compound exercises. Along with Pure Vita Labs (PVL), he also outlines the best way to emphasize your movements and maximize your gains.
30 Minute Total Body Dumbbell Shred Workout -

30 Minute Total Body Dumbbell Shred Workout

What is MRT? Will Metabolic Resistance Training help me lose weight fast? The answer is yes yes yes. Check out this article and workout from Funk Roberts to find out how you can best teach your body to get in shape and blast the fat.
Pec Deck Flye: Lead With Your Elbows -

Pec Deck Flye: Lead With Your Elbows

Find out what you need to know about the pec deck fly in this installment of Tim's Tips!
Maximize Triceps Isolation with the Neutral-Grip Single Bar -

Maximize Triceps Isolation with the Neutral-Grip Single Bar

Use this neutral grip single bar to isolate your triceps and get the most out of your workouts. Tim's Tips are written by Tim Rigby.
Why Canadian Summers are King! -

Why Canadian Summers are King!

Summer is back baby (or well, almost) and that means that it's time to start enjoying that sunny weather again. It doesn't matter what the activity is, whether it seems like exercise or not, if you're outside, enjoying the weather and moving your body, then you are heading for a step in the right direction!