Why You Should Be Considering Weight Training for Fat Loss
"I want to be skinny." "I need to lose 10 pounds." "If I could just slim down." These are all phrases you've heard or thought to yourself. Weight loss is likely one of the highest reasons people get into physical fitness. Travis Hansen discusses why you should perhaps consider looking towards weight training to see the results that you're looking for.

The Great R.O.M. Debate
It's been raging for years, and it's likely that you have already formed a bit of an opinion for yourself. Which is better: Fully Range of Motion (ROM) or Partials? James Grage has taken the time to break down the arguments for both, and then what he thinks the solution to the age old question is. Read to find out.

The 5 Commandments of Super Strength
Are you getting the most from your workouts? Is your strength soaring or plateauing uselessly? Well, if you answered the second one, fear not. We've got 5 tips that you need to change your trajectory and impress your friends in no time.

Dos & Don'ts of Client Development
Being a coach is hard. You have to balance the demands of your clients, their expectations with the reality of what is actually going to get them where they want to go. We've got a few handy "Dos and Donts" that might just help you find the balance and guide that you've been looking for.

Are You Missing Out on the Dumbbell?
So, you've been training hard but haven't seen the results that you are looking for? Don't fret, the problem might not be you, but rather your workout! With the help of Funk Roberts, we're going to break down what Metabolic Resistance Training is, why you've been sleeping on the dumbbell and start getting you back to the intensity level and fat shredding that you've been looking for.

Hottest Tips to Blasting the Fat!
If you've been worried about your waistline or even watching it grow over the last few months, we've got the hottest tips to help you burn that fat and shred your weight loss goals.