5 In-Home Glute Exercises You’re NOT DOING!
Calling all glute lovers! Most of us know the basic booty exercises like traditional squats, bridges & standing kickbacks. While all those movements serve a great purpose in your booty building routine, we wanted to show you some exercises you may have never seen before!

Can You Build Muscle While Losing Fat?
According to a 2018 review in the Oxford Academic Advances in Nutrition Journal (OAANJ), the answer is yes, you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time, if you do it right. The review looked at numerous studies that analyzed the effects of being in a negative energy balance, and how it affects body composition and muscle growth.

Avoiding Injury & Gaining Strength With Age
The workout wisdom that comes with age will be as useful as a full tank of gas in a car with a flat tire if we lack the physical ability to benefit from its application. According to a study from the American Journal of Sports Medicine, the largest increase in the incidence of gym related injuries occurred among those aged 45 years and older, with the 55 plus crowd being more likely than their younger counterparts to sustain injuries from overexertion and lifting or pulling.