100 ISSUES OF INSIDE FITNESS - insidefitnessmag.com

100, it’s one of those numbers that you hear tossed around so often, “Top 100 Sports Wins/Fails of the Year”, “100 Tips to Keep you in Shape”, yet to have actually made it to 100, to have invested time and effort into 100 issues of a magazine is something else entirely. If you’re one of our readers who have been here since the beginning, first of all thank you. Secondly, you’ve likely heard this before but this company started as a small business out of a garage and it has grown into so much more. It’s not just a thriving business but it’s a community, one that we’re honoured to be even just a small part of. We’ve dealt with the ‘thank yous’ already but it bears mentioning one last time: We wouldn’t have made it without the many, many people who have played a role in Inside Fitness across these last 100 issues. From the various staff that has had a hand in the making of these issues to the photographers, guest writers and models that have all given their time to the magazine, each one has played a vital role in keeping Inside Fitness not just alive but thriving. There were so many things that we could’ve done to celebrate this special issue, however in the end we thought that the easiest way to show what has happened over the least 16 years is to show you. So, without further ado, let’s get started.


100Inside fitness

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