Benefits of Seasonal Eating -
Written by Coach Laura Soulios (@bodytunedby_)

The statement "You are what you eat" holds more truth than what we realize. Our dietary choices influence not only our inner health but also our outward radiance. The connection between what we eat and our overall health and wellbeing is particularly noticeable when we enjoy seasonal eating. Seasonal eating isn't just a trend; it's a way to align our nutrition with what nature offers us each season. In this article, we'll dive into the importance of eating in season and how it impacts your overall well-being.

Understanding Seasonal Eating:

Seasonal eating is the practice of consuming food that was recently harvested by local farmers. By rotating your diet to include vegetables and fruits in season throughout the year, you not only enjoy a diverse range of flavors but also receive a full amount of essential nutrients. Studies have shown that fresher produce is healthier to eat. Fruits and vegetables allowed to ripen naturally and consumed shortly after harvesting contain higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, offering protection against serious diseases. In contrast, produce that travels long distances and sits on grocery store shelves for extended periods loses its nutritional potency. Fresh fruits and vegetables also burst with richer flavours. For instance, strawberries grown in their natural season, summer, are more nutritious and flavourful compared to those grown in the winter.

Affordability and Abundance:

Buying locally grown, seasonal food is often more budget-friendly due to the abundance of similar crops harvested by local farmers. This means that there is an ample supply of produce, helping you save money on your grocery bills. You can even buy in larger quantities and create your own preserves, from strawberry jam to homemade pickles.

Nutrition Aligned with Seasons:

Seasonal eating aligns with the body's nutritional needs for each season, promoting healthier eating habits. It's about tuning into your body's requirements as it adjusts to changing seasons. For instance, the abundance of citrus fruits like oranges in winter provides a vitamin C boost when your immune system needs it most. In spring, we have spring greens, which are lighter and cleansing, and these aid in post-winter detoxification.

Nutrient-Rich and Flavourful:

Seasonal fruits and vegetables are picked at their nutritional peak, resulting in higher levels of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This not only enhances flavour but also reduces exposure to chemicals like pesticides. These nutrients play a pivotal role in maintaining overall health and contribute to your skin's glow, elasticity, and appearance.

Variety and Mindful Eating:

Eating what's in season also encourages variety in your diet. You're less likely to overindulge in any one type of food when you're not fixated on the same items year-round. Being in tune with the seasons offers a mindful approach to food. You learn to savor the delights of each season, appreciating them for what they are rather than mindlessly overeating.

Embracing seasonal eating is a delightful and beneficial choice, offering enhanced flavours, improved nutrition. It promotes a healthier body inside and out, and also supports our local farmers, and helps in the reduction of overconsumption. It's a win-win situation for you and your taste buds. So give it a try and savor the delights each season has to offer and therefore benefit your body and overall health.

How to eat healthyNutritional guideSeasonal eatingWhat's in seasonWhy should i

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