Your Hot & Fit 100 Dos and Don'ts -

Each year the Hot & Fit 100 is one of our biggest competitions. We love the hype that come with this competition, however, it also means that we are fielded with a lot of questions about the best way to make your photos standout. To make it simple for you, we broke it down into a quick "Do & Don't" list, exclusive here for our Fitclub members.

Looking for more information? Visit our Hot & Fit Page and consider buying our 15 extra photo and zoom review package.


  • Hire a photographer
  • Fill out our submission form – even if your photographer’s submitting for you!
  • Dress to impress; consider both your background, and theme; we are a fitness magazine and we choose photos to reflect that
  • Keep all answers as brief as possible; think highlights only
  • Ask questions if you’re uncertain (email
  • Make sure your photos were taken within the last 12-18 months
  • Double check the rules and regulations found on our website before hitting send


  • Send more than 3 photos; just choose the best! (unless you purchased one of our packages for more photos.)
  • Send black & white photos, low resolution photos or photos with water marks
  • Send photos already previously published
  • Write long answers; 100 or so words should get your point across
  • Submit more than once; if you made a mistake or think it didn’t send, email

The deadline for this year's competition is Tuesday, November 15th.


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