How a Fitness Photoshoot Transformed my Body!
How changing ones mindset can really affect the overall change to not just one's body but ones life. You have the power to transform yourself; you just need to understand the real reason, and motivations, for doing so.
Unleash Your Inner Wonder Woman
You work hard, you grind hard, you know you're a superhero, so why not unleash your inner Wonder Woman and prove it to yourself that you really are! Here's our guide to how to lasso up your inner super woman.
Can You Build Muscle While Losing Fat?
According to a 2018 review in the Oxford Academic Advances in Nutrition Journal (OAANJ), the answer is yes, you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time, if you do it right. The review looked at numerous studies that analyzed the effects of being in a negative energy balance, and how it affects body composition and muscle growth.
18 Things You Might Not Have Known About Sports in Canada
18 Things You Might Not Have Known About Sports in Canada