A Sight To Behold: Ontario's Dark Sky Preserve

Torrance Barrens Dark-Sky Preserve, located in The Muskoka’s not far from Gravenhurst, was the very first of its kind. Made a conservation reserve in 1997 for its unique landscape, it was quickly discovered that it was also the perfect place to view the night sky free of light pollution. Be sure to bring binoculars or a telescope for best viewing, and if you’re lucky you might just see the northern lights!
Tags: Attraction, Barrens dark sky preserve, Beginner hike, Big gains, Canada facts, Canada feature, Canada must see, Canada to do, Canadian, Canadian attraction, Canadian hike, Canadian must see, Canadian to do, Canadian vacation, Category_lifestyle, Category_news, Dark sky, Dark sky preserve, Difficult hike, Easy hike, Exercise, Expert hike, Feature spot, Fitness, Fitness blog, Fitness news, Fitness tips, Gain goals canada, Gains, Gravenhurst, Great hike, Great hiking trail, Health, Health blog, Health tips, Hike, Hiking trail, Ifm, Ifm blog, Ifm digital network, Ifm media, Ifmmedia, Inside fitness, Inside fitness blog, Inside fitness magazine, Inside fitness network, Location feature, Motivation, Motivation blog, Mountain hike, Muskoka, Must see, Nature hike, Ocean hike, Ontario, Ontraio attraction, Scenic hike, Strength blog, Strength tips, The muskokas, Tips, To do, Travel tips, Vacation, Where to go, Where to go in canada, Workout blog, Workout tips