Is Beer... Healthy?
There might just be more value to that pint that you drink in the evening beyond the percieved savour of your sanity after a long day of work. Find out the beer nutrition facts!
Avoid the Sodium to Avoid the Bloat
Have you been feeling bloated lately? Well, it might have something to do with the amount of sodium you've been eating. Check out these hacks to lower your sodium intake and hopefully lesson that bloated feeling (As well as improve your overall heart health!)
When & What Should You Eat to Maximize Training?
You work hard. You want your diet to compliment your exercise, not hinder it. We've got your timed nutrition and training guide to help you maximize your efforts and get the most out of both your food and your training.
Why Do Hangovers Get Worse As We Get Older?
Did you head out for the night with some friends, living it up like you used to in your 20s, and find yourself suffering terribly the next day? Well, here's a few reasons why it might at least SEEM like your hangover gets worse the older that you get.
Vegetarian and Female? Don't Miss This!
Thinking about turning Vegetarian? There are a lot of great reasons and motivations for doing this, from moral to health. However, before you make the change, you may want to hear the findings from this report published in the journal BioMed Central Medicine.
Did You Drink Enough Today?
Do you know when you've had enough water? Many adults aren't aware of the signs of dehydration -- don't count yourself among them. Check out this article, and you can monitor the signs for yourself.
Have You Heard About Good Bacteria?
When you hear bacteria you automatically think of one word: bad. However, what if we told you that when it comes to your gut, there can be good bacteria too? And in fact that bacteria might even be more important than the bad one! Click here to read more about maximizing your gut health, which leads to your overall health!
New Truths about Body Mass Index!
Recent studies in China have shown that "Lower" isn't always better when it comes to BMI. Read further for the full conclusions about the factors of exercise and eating on BMI results.
An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away?
Ever wonder where the phrase "An Apple a Day" originated from? And whether it holds any sort of truth? Can an apple a day really keep the doctor away? Well, it might not be spot on, but click here to find out!