Can You Identify Your Triggers?
Emotional eating is a common problem across North America. Whether it's conscious or unconscious, many of us have developed the habit of turning to food to celebrate our highs and comfort our lows. If emotional eating and the triggers that come with it are a persistant problem for you, here is a few things that helped Blake Gauthier overcome his own challenges.

When & What Should You Eat to Maximize Training?
You work hard. You want your diet to compliment your exercise, not hinder it. We've got your timed nutrition and training guide to help you maximize your efforts and get the most out of both your food and your training.

New Truths about Body Mass Index!
Recent studies in China have shown that "Lower" isn't always better when it comes to BMI. Read further for the full conclusions about the factors of exercise and eating on BMI results.

Stop Cutting Food Out Of Your Diet!
Are you tired of unsustainable fad diets? Are you finally just looking how to eat healthy which will, in the end, help you lose weight fast? Then stop cutting things out of your diet, and instead learn how to eat balanced.

It's all Hereditary?
Most of us have come in contact with a family illness at some point in our lives. A family member who has battled cancer or a loved one who has experienced a heart attack, has diabetes or is fighting mental illness. If you are reading this and it is resonating with you, chances are you have questioned: what does this mean for me? Is it possible that this illness can be passed on? And the answer is yes, it is possible. Many cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and mental illness are all hereditary illnesses.

Why You Need More Onion In Your Diet
Red onions are an extremely functional and beneficial food to add to your nutritional plan. When used strategically for their functional properties red onions can be very effective in improving your immunity, overall health and well being.

The Best Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition Meals for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Players
The Best Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition Meals for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Players