Dragon Fruit Smoothie Bowl - insidefitnessmag.com


1 cup frozen dragon fruit cubes ½ banana ¾ cups almond milk


½ fresh banana, sliced ¼ cup fresh blueberries 1 tbsp almonds 1 tsp chia seeds


  1. Combine the frozen dragon fruit cubes, banana, and almond milk in a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth.
  3. Place the mixture into a bowl and top with the fresh banana, blueberries, almonds, and chia seeds.
  4. Serve immediately and enjoy.
Nutritional Information:  
Calories: 340 
Protein: 8g 
Carbs: 54g 
Fat: 10g 
Category_nutritionCategory_recipesDragon fruitDragon fruit recipeDragon fruit shakeDragon fruit shake recipeDragon fruit smoothieDragon fruit smoothie bowlDragon fruit smoothie bowl recipeDragon fruit smoothie recipeFitnessFoodHealthHealth foodHealth recipesHealthy foodHealthy recipesIfmIfm blogIfm digital network recipesIfm mediaIfmmediaInside fitnessInside fitness blogInside fitness magazineInside fitness networkInside fitness recipeNutritionNutritiousNutritious recipeShakeSmoothieSmoothie bowlSmoothie bowl recipeSmoothie recipe

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