Fitness Motivation: How to Get It, Keep It, and Spread It -
Hey, you okay? Because… 2020. This year, more than any other, it has become important to take care of each other, and find ways to do that from a distance. Caring for yourself and helping friends and family to get through these tough times has a lot to do with physical activity. Spending more time at home inevitably means a more sedative Lifestyle, which is terrible for your overall health. Even if you weren’t especially active before COVID hit, you likely experienced weight gain from the stress hormones, emotional over-eating, or snacking due to boredom. Exercise is better than any drug out there to get your health back on track. The endorphins that flood your system after a great workout will also boost your energy and improve your mood for hours. Mental well-being is directly linked to one’s physical health, so learning to use fitness as a coping mechanism is wonderful. Finding the motivation to get active and stay on your fitness program can be challenging, and that’s why you have me! Here are some of my top tips to help you overcome obstacles and feel great about inspiring those you love, too! I promise, starting with even the smallest change can make a big difference and be the key to unlocking the door to better health. Start Simple:
  • Drink More Water: Infuse your h20 with cucumber, watermelon or lemon to make it more appealing to sip on throughout the day and promote balanced hydration within your body, which will help you lose excess water weight.
  • Write Down Your Goals: Create realistic short-term and long-term goals. Achievement is 42% more likely if you put pen to paper. Try playing goal tic-tac-toe; Write down one of your ambitions in each square and if you complete enough to create a straight line any way, treat yourself to a special prize!
  • Choose a Mantra: It’s not cheesy, well… maybe it is, but it works! An example could be “Never miss a minute of cardio”, which states that, no matter what, you have promised yourself to always find a way to do the exact amount of time you planned each day. When you have a few hard, but reasonable rules like this, you will be motivated to get your physical activity done earlier, so you can feel good all day about your accomplishment.
Keep At It:
  • Force the Habit: Exercise at least 2x/week, even if it means dragging your butt downstairs to use your dumbbells for 20 minutes. Making a big change to your routine requires effort and dedication, but in time you’ll embrace your healthy schedule and will experience less resistance to it.
  • Stay Positive: Your attitude is so very (ultra, super!) important. Do your best to focus on what you’ve done right and give yourself credit for every effort. Creating a good fitness journey will encourage you to continue pursuing it.
  • Unfollow Contradictions: Mute your favourite food blogger and limit your exposure to media coverage to push temptations and stress away.
  • Eat Well: Prioritize fresh, whole foods to keep your body fueled up and satisfied.
  • Try Meditation: Visualizing the end result – a healthier, happier, more fit YOU – will forge a winning mindset.
Get Support:
  • Socialize while Distancing: Be creative in finding ways to collaborate with others to achieve your fitness goals together. Pop in your earbuds to talk with a friend during your separate power walks. Start a group chat to report back to one another on weight loss progress. Place friendly bets (like who completed the most Workouts that month) if you respond well to competition.
  • Invest in a Plan: Start a fitness program or hire a coach to streamline your results. I have a perfect solution for you – The 90-Day Weight Training Plan is my brand-new book, available for purchase via my website This workout-at-home with minimal equipment book is coming out right on time, as so many of us are training at home and are ready to challenge our bodies in a new way.
If you are feeling down and unmotivated, try doing a random act of kindness, like paying it forward at the Tim Hortons drive-through or simply holding a door open for a stranger. It’s tough to stay in a negative place as you earn a friendly smile, plus that good karma never fails to come back around right when you need it. I would love to support you by answering your health and fitness question! Please reach out and submit your topics of interest to
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