Keep on Running: Tips for Running & COVID-19

Within the last month or so, we have all had to make adjustments to the way that we workout. While the hope is that gyms will be opening soon, many of us may still be looking for alternatives to our daily Workouts. Running can be an excellent alternative, whether you’re familiar with it or not, though there are still some things to keep in mind to make sure that you’re staying safe while you run!
1: Keep your distance
When running, maintain a minimum of 1.5m distance between you and other runners or people.
Consider crossing the street if you can see someone coming your way.
2: Don't touch surfaces as you run.
When I run, I try to avoid touching surfaces I come into contact with such as traffic light poles, park benches, fences. Little things that may come onto your path but make a difference.
3: Don't touch your face as you run.
This can be tempting if something flies into your eyes or you have itch but do your best to be aware and not touch your face.
4: Don’t run in a group.
This can be challenging especially if you belong to a running group or are part of a team.
For now, social distancing is key. As rules lighten, this can be amended slightly, though be sure to keep your group small.
5: Don't spit while you run.
Some runners do this and if you are aware that you may spit, try avoiding it. If you must spit, try a garbage container or spit into a kleenex.
6: Wash your hands and clothing as soon as you return from your run.
Wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds with water and soap. I also jump into a shower which I find refreshing and hygienic.
Running is a great way to stay active at any time. It keeps you energized, as well as physically and mentally fit. So, don't give up on this activity and if you have already, it’s time to get back into it. Keep going, keep running, keep safe.