Flaxseed Pudding Parfait - insidefitnessmag.com


¼ cup ground flaxseed ½ tsp cinnamon ½ cup unsweetened milk of choice 1 ½ tsp maple syrup 1 cup unsweetened coconut yogurt ¼ cup raspberries or other berries of choice 2 tbsp pecans or other nuts and seeds of choice


  1. In a bowl, whisk together the ground flaxseed, cinnamon, milk and maple syrup.
  2. Let sit for 30 minutes, up to overnight.
  3. To make the parfaits, set out glass cups or mason jars. Layer in the coconut yogurt and flaxseed pudding in separate layers.
  4. Top the parfaits with berries and nuts.
Calories: 404
Fat: 27g
Carbohydrates: 34g
Protein: 9g
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