Why You Should Be Considering Weight Training for Fat Loss - insidefitnessmag.com
Written by Travis Hansen ( resultsbyscience.com )

The debate for which type of training style reigns supreme was never really a debate, believe it or not. You will see why now...

The infamous study by Dr. Schuenke from almost 20 years ago, tells us precisely why strength training should be first and foremost when it comes to optimal fat loss training. (1). Schuenke took seven healthy men and had them perform a 3-exercise circuit utilizing the squat, bench press, and power clean. Simple enough. The circuit was performed three times amounting to nine total work sets and lasted 31 minutes. The results were amazing, to say the least! Too good to be true, but not!

Aside from the few hundred calories the subjects burned during the session, they burned about 600-700 calories in addition to that number over the next 38 hours post-exercise. This phenomenon is known as “Excessive Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption,” or EPOC for short. EPOC is the amount of energy required to return our metabolism to pre-exercise levels. It can take minutes with certain training types such as aerobic training and hours to days with high-intensity work such as resistance training and max effort sprinting. There are at least five studies that clearly show weight training increases EPOC for 1-48 hours above resting levels. (2)

To help further support their findings you also have to consider similar study outcomes from “The Constrained Energy” model and others which also deem properly structured weight training routines most beneficial for fat loss efforts. HIIT, steady-state or Zone 2 work, daily activity, and getting your steps matter but the true “base” of your training should “always” start weight training to maximize fat loss, and build and retain precious muscle tissue.

#1-Schuenke MD, Mikat RP, and Mcbride JM. Effect of acute period of resistance exercise on excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption; implications for body mass management. European Journal of Applied Physiology 86: 411-417, 2002.
#2-Abboud, George. Effects of Load-Volume on EPOC After Acute Bouts of Resistance training in Resistance-trained Men. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: July 2013-Volume 27-Issue 7-p 1936-1941.
AdvantageCardioCaridoExerciseFat lossFitnessGuideStrengthTipsWeight lossWeight training

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