Written by Fitness Expert Julie Germaine
Every single person – even the most successful, self-driven individuals – suffer from lack of motivation at times. It’s true, so don’t feel hopeless or get down on yourself if you’re slipping or have already fallen into a rut when it comes to your fitness routine.
Positive change doesn’t happen overnight, but your life will 100% continue to improve if you apply these mental tricks to get motivated again.
ONE: Focus in on one main goal. Perhaps when 2022 hit, you took all the great advice and sat down to write out your goals. We are instructed to dream big and create a clear vision of all we want to achieve. Great, right? Except that your list may be overwhelming to you, and if you don’t know where to start, you risk freezing completely and going nowhere! Instead, take your list and circle 3 top goals, then choose one to tackle right now. The list isn’t going anywhere, and you have plenty of time to check off every item, but you’re far more likely to do that if you take things one at a time.
TWO: Train your brain. Give yourself permission to surf for knowledge related to your goal to get excited about them again. This is a wonderful daily habit that will feed your mind with incredible information to help you level up, and will keep things fresh and interesting.
THREE: Build anticipation by setting start dates and benchmarks in advance. You’ll create energy if you have time to prepare to attack your challenge and improve your focus by developing a timeline for progress. Be sure your mini-goals are realistic and achievable so you can build on small successes as you climb the ladder to success.
Accept setbacks and enjoy the ride. Life is a rollercoaster of highs and lows, and your fitness journey is much the same. Having a community to support you in achieving your fitness goals is a huge benefit! Talk about your fitness journey, listen to other people share their weight loss experiences, and never hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions – I love to help!