Should You Be Re-Thinking Your Food & Drink? -

Should You Be Re-Thinking Your Food & Drink?

Do you know your training inside and out, yet fall short when it comes to nutrition? Do you try your hardest to eat a nutritious diet, but feel like the rules of the game are always changing? Here's a quick cheat sheet of some trends to keep in mind while trying to change up your nutrition game.
Stop Cutting Food Out Of Your Diet! -

Stop Cutting Food Out Of Your Diet!

Are you tired of unsustainable fad diets? Are you finally just looking how to eat healthy which will, in the end, help you lose weight fast? Then stop cutting things out of your diet, and instead learn how to eat balanced.
Is It Possible to Get Healthy Fast-Food? -

Is It Possible to Get Healthy Fast-Food?

Life is busy. As much as we want to try to save our money (and our waistline) and eat food prepared by ourselves at home, sometimes it’s just not an option – which leads to stress about sticking to our diet. Well, we’re going to show you how to eat healthy while getting takeout with these five amazing options.
Hack Your Nutrition with... Asparagus? -

Hack Your Nutrition with... Asparagus?

Asparagus is a highly beneficial prebiotic food that can be utilized for its many various functional properties.
Get Thick Lush Hair With This Diet -

Get Thick Lush Hair With This Diet

We are all aware that there are endless products out there to improve the appearance of hair. One thing many people do not know is that hair growth and health starts with your diet. Here are some nutrient dense and vitamin packed foods to throw into your diet if you are experiencing some hair loss or looking to get some additional growth and improve your overall hair health.
It's all Hereditary? -

It's all Hereditary?

Most of us have come in contact with a family illness at some point in our lives. A family member who has battled cancer or a loved one who has experienced a heart attack, has diabetes or is fighting mental illness. If you are reading this and it is resonating with you, chances are you have questioned: what does this mean for me? Is it possible that this illness can be passed on? And the answer is yes, it is possible. Many cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and mental illness are all hereditary illnesses.
To Keto or Not To Keto... -

To Keto or Not To Keto...

Have you ever heard of the Keto diet? Unless you have been living under a rock for the past twenty years, then chances are that you have. In the case that you haven’t seen the light of day, or just need further explanation, the keto diet is a rapid weight loss method that limits one’s carbohydrate intake to 5-10% of their diet while the rest of their diet is made up of 70-75% of fat and a 15-20% of protein. 
Why You Need More Onion In Your Diet -

Why You Need More Onion In Your Diet

Red onions are an extremely functional and beneficial food to add to your nutritional plan. When used strategically for their functional properties red onions can be very effective in improving your immunity, overall health and well being.
7 Thing You Need to Know About Raw Food -

7 Thing You Need to Know About Raw Food

Generally, raw food includes plants, vegetables, fruits, sprouted raw seeds, immature or fresh legumes, dried edible seeds (like pumpkin and watermelon seeds), sprouted grains, plant-based milk (like almond and soy milk), dry fruits (like almonds and raisins), edible root vegetables, raw meats, raw fish and raw eggs.