5 Simple Ways to Eat Better at Home - insidefitnessmag.com
Written by Julie Germaine

Finally sunshine and summer weather is here! It is natural to have put on a few pounds during the wintertime, often due to a more sedentary day (in hibernation!), especially if you’re working from home. I’m here to help you shed that weight quickly. Remember, you always have control of what food you eat, and it is becoming increasingly important to put in effort to make healthier food choices.

Whether you want to lose weight, maintain your current size, build muscle, or just optimize your health to keep your immune system strong, your diet is ultimately going to decide your success. Here are my top five tips as a food expert to boost the nutritional content of your meals without doing a complete lifestyle overhaul.

  • Choose whole grain foods, such as multi-grain breads, whole wheat pastas, and brown rice over the white, processed versions. Your body will receive more nutrients to keep you healthy and these carbs take longer to digest, so you feel satisfied longer.
  • Eat more eggs, especially for breakfast or before bed. More protein is always beneficial for your health and eggs offer you a complete protein that your body can effectively use. Eating more protein helps develop and maintain lean tissues, which increases your metabolism naturally. Check out the recipes on my blog for my Turkey Bacon Breakfast Oat Cups, that incorporate all the best parts of a diner breakfast, including eggs, into convenient, bite-sized biscuits you can grab on the go.
  • Whether cooking for yourself or ordering delivery, choose dishes that are baked or roasted rather than grilled or fried. If you can’t resist ordering your favourite, non-healthy menu item, cut the serving size in half by sharing it with a friend.
  • Eat more fruit – and choose these over sweets when you are snacky! Fruit is nature’s candy, and there are so many varieties and flavours to choose from, you should really never get tired of them. And, hey, now and then, enjoy those strawberries dipped in thick dark chocolate. You deserve it.
  • Love the crunch of chips at night? I hear you! Instead of this fatty, high calorie trap, make light popcorn (and don’t add too much butter). You will save yourself 200 calories per 100 g serving with this simple swap.

I would love to help you achieve your fitness goals! Please visit my website for information on my virtual personal training and nutrition programs, including my 30-Day VIP Fat Loss Challenge where you can lose 2” from your waistline in 4 weeks with 30 minute home workouts!

Julie Germaine; NASM Certified Nutrition Coach, NFLC Registered Personal Trainer, 2x International Pro Fitness Champion. Coach Julie has helped tens of thousands of men and women improve their health since 2005. Visit juliegermaine.com or www.calendly.com/juliegermaine
Health snacksHealthy at homeHealthy eatingHow to eat healthyNutritionNutritiousSnackingSnackyWhat should i be eating

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