Discover the Underrated Fat Loss Supplements -

Discover the Underrated Fat Loss Supplements

Hard work and training is the only way to true fat loss, and the body composition that you are looking for. However, if you're interested in a few points and supplements that can help you on the journey and ensure you get the most out of those workouts, then Travis Hansen has the mini guide for you. Time to check out what fat loss supplements are right for you, and answer the question of whether supplementing for fat loss really works.
Three Common Protein Myths Busted! -

Three Common Protein Myths Busted!

There are so many myths about protein intake. It may be the king of the supplement industry, and a key building block in muscle creation, but that doesn't mean that all the information out there is true. Check out this article by Travis Hansen to discover what myths about protein you can disregard!
Feast Smart, Stay Fit: Mastering Calorie Cycling During the Holidays -

Feast Smart, Stay Fit: Mastering Calorie Cycling During the Holidays

Survive the holidays with your diet and nutrition in tact! Sara Frenza discusses how to use calorie cycling to ensure that you get to enjoy all that the festive season has to offer, without having to give up your commitment to your health and nutrition either.
Why Clean Beans are the Perfect Healthy Snacking Option -

Why Clean Beans are the Perfect Healthy Snacking Option

Imagine you're walking down the snack aisle of your favorite grocery store. You're scanning the shelves, looking for something tasty, yet healthy. You're tired of the same old options - the processed chips and the sugar-loaded cookies. You need something different, something that delivers on taste but doesn't compromis
Benefits of Seasonal Eating -

Benefits of Seasonal Eating

What is seasonal eating? Why should I be doing it? What benefits are there to Seasonal Eating and how do I do it? These are all questions that will be answered in this fact filled article from Laura Soulios!
5 Warning Signs It’s Time to Lay Off the Diet -

5 Warning Signs It’s Time to Lay Off the Diet

Think a break from dieting will derail all your hard work? No way. A break can actually help you reach your fitness goals—faster. So, check out these 5 important clues your body is ready to hit pause!
Healthy (and Yummy!) Summer Snacks -

Healthy (and Yummy!) Summer Snacks

Summer is the time of snack food, and as we come into the fall, you're going to be looking for healthy back to school lunches and snacks, or something tasty to have on the go as you hike and explore. Julie Germaine gives you a detailed list of some great nutritious snacks that you can make or even preplan to have ready for on the go.
Fasted Cardio for Faster Results -

Fasted Cardio for Faster Results

If you’ve been in the fitness community, you’ve heard about the fasting fad; however, do you know what the implications of fasting could mean for you? Travis Hansen breaks down how the combination of fasting and cardio can get you the results that you’ve been looking for.
Summer treats & Eats -

Summer treats & Eats

What are you looking forward to eating the most this summer? There is a long list of treats and summer favourites to choose from, that it can be difficult to figure out what is best for you! Sandy Co-Catibog breaks down some of the best summer treats and eats in this article to help you decide what is best for you!